Thursday, January 22, 2009

Concentration Statement

Concentration Statement-

I want to focus on humans in specific sports conveying an accurate representation of their face and body (almost like portraiture) while incorporating the many design structure concepts we have learned this year.


  1. Johnny- A few suggestions.... what sports are you going to study? I would narrow this down to one or two OR similar posturing between a variety of sports. Define - "many design structure concepts" Be specific - what do you plan to do? What is the most interesting to you?

  2. Also- get your images posted!!! Your peers cannot make comments and be helpful to you until you get the blog created!

  3. Comments for Concentration #1:
    Great craftsmanship - in fact, that is always one of your strengths. Focus on developing what the work is supposed to express (the study of the figure in motion and expressed through strict design that is rather emotionless?). Contrast is excellent. Continue to put the time into developing the statement - your work will be stronger when you have an end goal.

  4. Comments for concentration #2:

    Turn in completed evaluations!!! I am assuming that concentration #2 is the piece with the images repeated in a basic repetition structure. Again, I think this is an interesting piece and it's strength is it's simplicity. However, I still want to know what your work is about?

  5. Comments for concentration #3:
    I am assuming that concentration #3 is the figure with stippling....Excellent work in craftsmanship and attention to detail. Try to refrain from having the figure in the middle of the page. How can you adjust the composition so that the figure is off to the side or not completely on the paper? What is going on around the figure? Could any action or audience be implied through the concentration structure and spacing of dots in the backgroun? Again - your craftsmanship and use of structure is the strength of the work. But, what are you trying to say? What do you want to be communicated to the viewer through your images and use of design?

  6. Comments for concentration #4:
    Well done. Craftsmanship is great. Again - try to move the figure around and not have it in the middle of the page. What structure are you trying to show in the work? Radiation? I would develop more. You have a great start to this - I think you just need to spend some more time to complete it fully.
    Johnny - I can see you getting a four or five on this year's portfolio - focus on putting the time in! :)

  7. Comments for concentration #5
    Good work. I would like to see you clean this piece up just a bit by working back into it with black sharpie and making edges sharper. Also, consider what you are trying to emphasize as you manipulate your images. What are you trying to express? In this piece, the leg is exagerated because it is the most important part?
